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Inspiration is ALL around us.  I make it a mission to not charge through life, but to MAKE the time to be inspired.  This means all kinds of things for everyone, but I thought it would be great to share some of my inspirations in the hope that you'll have something new to tuck into this next year.  



I am constantly on the lookout for a great read.  A book that will expand my ideas and focus them, inspire my work and propel me forward.  My gift to myself for Christmas this year - I would highly recommend it for any creative person.

RESTful Ponderings

Every morning, I sit in my chair in the living room and stare out the window while sipping my morning coffee as the world wakes up (and me with it!).  I VALUE this time as quiet, soul food time.  Time to rest and just be.  Time to gather my thoughts for the day ahead. PURPOSEFULLY doing nothing, as a creative person, helps me find BALANCE and feed my creative soul so that I can BE PRODUCTIVE later.


This view out my kitchen window caught my eye the other morning.  STUNNING contrast on the hoarfrost.  

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